The John Schneider Family

John S. Schneider
John S. Schneider was born in Wurtenburg, Germany on the 2nd day of May in the year of 1842.
His father was Gottleb Schneider, to this date we don't know the name of his mother. John Schneider
was a cobbler (shoe ~ bootmaker) by trade. He imigrated to the United States in 1865 and first settled
in St. Louis, Missouri. On the 24th of November 1868 he married Wilhelmina "Mina" Carolina Eckert.
She was the daughter of Jacob Eckert and Carrie Spaeth.

Wilhelmina Caroline Eckert Schneider
Children of John and Mina Schneider
Carl Gotlleb Schneider, born 15 September 1869, in Alton, Madison Co., IL., married Catherine Bertha Seehausen
on 10 October 1894. He died 21 November 1919, funeral from the Evangelcal Church, he was buried in Oak Grove Cemetery
in Jerseyville, Illinois. His wife is buried next to him.
John Tilman Schneider, born 28 October 1871, in Alton, Madison Co., IL., he married Flossie Jane Adams. John died in
November 1956 and is buried in Hillcrest Memorial Park, Centralia, Illinois.
William L. Schneider, born 29 March 1874, in Alton, Madison Co., IL., he married Etta Collier on January 26, 1903 in
Carbondale, Illinois. Being a soldier in the Spanish American War, he retired and lived out the remainder of his life
in the Soldier's Home in Quincy, Illinois. He and his wife Etta are buried next to each other in the Military Cemetery
at the Soldier's Home in Quincy.
Louisa D. Schneider, born 20 July 1876, in Brighton, Jersey Co., IL, married Edward Schmidt of Lebanon, Illinois and
spent her life on the family farm in that location.
Frances F. "Fannie" Schneider, born 26 November 1878 in Brighton, Jersey Co., IL., moved with her parents to Delhi, Jersey
Co., Illinois and later to Jerseyville, Illinois where she met and married Wesley Gibson. Fannie died 15 September 1978,
just short of reaching the age of 100 years. She is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, in Jerseyville next to her husband.
Wilhelmina "Minnie" Schneider, born 13 May 1881 in Delhi, Jersey Co., IL., moved with her parents to Jerseyville and married
Clarence "Pete" Heidersheid in August 1914. She contracted tuberculosis and passed away in Springfield, Illinois, in a
Sanitorium on 15 June 1922. Minnie is buried in the family plot in Oak Grove Cemetery. Next to her husband Pete.
Julius August Schneider, born 6 August 1883, in Delhi, Jersey Co., IL., moved with his family to Jerseyville. He married
Ada Leah Carter on the 3rd of January 1903. He died 22 December 1965 and is buried in Los Gatos, California. He was the
first automobile mechanic in Jersey County and he and Chalky Wedding built the first automobile in the area.
Antionette Schneider, a twin, was born 1886, Jerseyville, Jersey Co., IL., died 23 April 1889 of diptheria.
Annie Schneider, a twin, was born 1886, Jerseyville, Jersey Co., IL., died 11 April 1889 of diptheria.
Carrie E. Schneider, born 17 November 1890, in Jerseyville, Jersey Co., IL., married Clarence "Pete" Heidersheid March 1, 1924
in Waterloo, Illinois. Carrie was the second wife of Pete, marrying after her sister, Minnie passed away. Carrie died at Hardin,
Calhoun Co., IL., and is buried in the family plot next to her husband in Oak Grove Cemetery, Jerseyville, Illinois.
George Schneider, born 17 February 1893, in Jerseyville, Jersey Co., IL. On the 17th of February in 1904, young George would have
been eleven years old, however he died at his home on West Pine street, from an accidental gun wound to the head on January 9, 1904.
George was a very active boy and enjoyed being around his older brothers. One January morning he went with his oldes brother, Carl,
to the elevator, and while shooting pigeons, that roosted in the top, he slipped and hi gun discharged fatally wounding him in the head.

John Schneider and his son Carl (ca 1900)
John Schneider arrived in the United States right after the Civil War. It would seem a very good time for a
shoe and bootmaker to set up business in America. Shoes and boots were hard to find in some locations and supplies were depleted due to
soldiers marching back and forth across the Southern States. He arrived in America with only the clothes on his back, his cobbler's tools,
a home-made quilt and about 25 cents in money. After selling his quilt to buy food, he somehow worked his way to St. Louis and settled in
an area populated by fellow countrymen. He probably spoke no English and could only communicate with persons in the German settlement.
After gaining employement and taking Mina for his bride, he crossed the Mississippi river into the Alton, Illinois area and set up shop.
They remained in the Alton area for a few years. It was here that sons Carl, John and William were born. He moved to Brighton about 1875 and set up his
cobbler business, Louisa and Frances were born in Brighton. In about 1880, they moved to a farm in the Delhi area. He set up a repair shop in
the small town and tried farming as a second business operation. Minnie and Julius were born on this farmstead. His expertise for maintaining
a farm and earning a good income at it was somewhat of a failure. He then moved to his family to Jerseyville, where Carrie, George, Antionette
and Annie were born. In 1900 he moved his business to the new "Bull" building at the corner of State and Exchange Street (see above picture).
When making and repairing the shoes and boots for over half the community, he would hand-stitch the heavy leather soles to the uppers, while his
wife Mina would stitch the uppers. When age caught up with him and he was unable to maintain the store front business, he moved his repair shop
to a small room at the rear of his home (3 West Pine Street). John Schneider died in his home, with his family at his side, at the respectable age
of 86 years.
John Schneider landed on the shores of America, at the young age of 20 years, with very few assets, except for his skill as shoe and boot maker.
He raised a large family, purchased his own home, was a successful businessman and earned the love and respect of his family and townfolk. He left
this life a devout believer in the Lord. He was a co-founder and officer of the German Evangelical Church and his daughter, Minnie served as Church
Secretary. He began every evening meal with prayer and verse from the Bible and maintained full respect of his children and friends. His remains
lie at rest in Oak Grove Cemetery, beside his loving wife and three of his children. Although he passed away two years before I was born, I have a great
respect for him and admire his lifetime achievements.
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